
We have a lot to say and can't wait to meet you to share our digital vision

  • Digital world

    Leveraging Business Intelligence in a omnichannel strategy:

    Optimizing Media Costs and Enhancing Digital Media Performance

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  • Woman in digital world

    BI & digital marketing The winning combo

    Marketing involves a mix of powerful brand expression and effective dissemination methods. On the other hand, Business Intelligence takes a more pragmatic approach.

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  • A person looking through a futuristic VR headset

    The Metaverse a new Eldorado for brands?

    To create a parallel digital universe that might supersede the World Wide Web: this is, in a nutshell, the promise of the "Metaverse".

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  • Lost in the clouds, her thoughts and the data whereabouts

    Integrating “marketing” and “analytical” data: the best way to create a holistic view

    Marketers often struggle to get a holistic view of the customer journey because they don't have the right tools to connect the platforms.

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  • A woman analyzing data on her laptop

    Trust Flow: What are we talking about?

    As the saying goes, trust cannot be asked for, it must be earned. In the unforgiving world of SEO, the Trust Flow indicator is the cardinal value of any natural referencing strategy.

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  • A cookie-man on a computer while a woman is using it

    Third-party cookies What's going on?

    Any page you start browsing fills up with that “personal stuff” you were looking for. Courtesy of the third-party cookie technology. But the web as we knew it is about to change.

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  • Colorful ideas from the mind

    Creative and digital skills: The right mix for the future

    If you are a “digital native” yourself, this is so self-evident that you might even struggle to frame a precise definition

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  • Human hand reaching for a robotic hand

    CRM Automation: Starting the conversation at the right time

    Strategies come in all shapes and sizes. Some work better than others, but in any case reactivity is key.

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  • Multiple people on the streets

    Online reviews Know your basics

    Amazon, Yelp, Google my Business, Choice, Trip Advisor, social media, etcetera: enter the maze that can make or break sales and services.

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  • Close-up on a phone with YouTube opened

    Storytelling 101 Why you need it, now

    No one wants disarticulated content conveying nothing but just another desperate attempt at getting a product or service in front of potential customers.

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  • Data in a numeric cloud

    Marketing efforts Optimization through CRM

    Ditch good old Excel sheets and find out what CRM tools can do for you.

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