
Optimize your marketing efforts with CRM

Picture of Gabriel Taminiaux

Gabriel Taminiaux

Partner Chief Technical Officer at Adjust

7 min read

In the digital world, the number of touchpoints with potential customers have increased tenfold. That’s the good the news. The bad news is that the process of nurturing these interactions may quickly become messy if your marketing efforts are not centralized and somewhat automatized. It is not only a primary concern for large companies handling significant amounts of data. It is an important factor when thinking about scaling up your business and, above all, it is the key to getting more bang for your buck. So ditch good old Excel sheets and find out what CRM tools can do for you.

CRM: what’s in a word

Say that persona A visited your website, B filled out a form and C completed a purchase after completing the previous steps… all these actions are called goals that can easily be track by installing a snippet on the right destination webpages. They may be preceded by some form of exposure to your content through newsletters, social media posts engagement, calls or (lucky you) word of mouth. Funnels give you a sense of your customers or lead’s journey. The resulting bundle of data gives you a solid basis for understanding and improving their overall experience. It helps convert, keep clients onboard and ultimately boost sales.

This is where customer (C) relationship (R) management (M) technology comes into play. Of course, we are not talking about a simple database. Data should be arranged and combined so as to allow for powerful analytics. Only then can you get a better grasp of your existing pool of prospects and clients and feed each segment with relevant information. CRMs ideally include automatized procedures to reach out to leads and customers according to their behavior and preferences. On the pricey side, most prominent CMRs on the market include Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, … Smaller CRMs and consultancy services also come with a lot perks, including closer alignment with content production and media development.


Adjust has developed Gemstone in an attempt to not only provide accurate reports and analysis of the myriad of customers’ interactions with a given brand, but also to automatize targeting.

Knowing valuable information such as behavior on the website and engagement with posts or previous mailings can greatly help avoid pesky mass mailing. Newsletters can be highly tailored to leads and customers’ expectations. Do you want to target people who interacted at least once with your website and returning customers? Once you have decided on the segment you want to engage with, design the theme, content and overall feel of your newsletter in accordance. With a software like Gemstone, you can use in-built templates to create a newsletter. Promote recent blog posts and/or special offers by selecting the corresponding landing pages on your website and adding a CTA. Remember that it is best to work in close collaboration with both creative professionals, data Analysts & developers to ensure a smooth experience between channels (i.e. congruence between the landing pages on your website and your newsletter content and look). After the newsletter has been dispatched, it is time to analyze the results. What is the opening rate? Who clicked and what actions were taken afterwards? You get it, CRM helps you sync all your marketing efforts by making the best use of the granularity of your data collection.

All it comes down to is to create a close loop that leaves no one behind. CRM is in a sense the place where everyone converges, from your leads to your customers and your marketing and sales taskforce.

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