• The challenge

    Maintain advertisement pressure on processed cheese while working on a new positioning aimed at increasing the visibility of Maredsous’ traditional cheese.

  • Background

    In Belgium, more than 90% of the people know the brand.
    If a big part of them consume processed cheese, more and more people “return to their roots” and enjoy the traditional version.

  • Solution

    Producing content, telling the story of Maredsous − one that is based on tradition and authenticity −, and sharing these brand values through social networks and a CRM program.


A concentration of tradition and authenticity spread over a range of yummy cheeses.

Tablet with Maredsous web page opened
  • 48,796

    More leads

  • +88%

    Open rate thanks to the CRM automation system (Gemstone)

New type of Cheese at Maredsous
Phone with an emailing opened

Social networks and more

Conversion depends on creation, UX & Media.
Staying in touch is a matter of creative CRM solutions.

Little girl eating Fagotin Cheese
Castle with Double Cream cheese

B2B oriented with our CRM solutions

Understand and interact with your customers thanks to our CRM solution.
We collect analytics combined with personal details and tell the story of your brand with Gemstone, the CRM solution designed and developed by Adjust.

Computer with the Gemstone interface
  • +38%

    Click rate thanks to the CRM automation system (Gemstone)

  • +88%

    Open rate thanks to the CRM automation system

  • Logo Gemstone